The Addon will provide functionality to control WallData Rumba. It makes use of  the WD_API.  This code can only handle one Rumba session at the time.

In the WDM file, the API letter needs to be set (preferably to ‘A’) via the Options menu. Do not forget to save the WDM file, to store the changed value.

Variables and Commands


Returns the value for the last returned value for a WD function. This can be used to check that status.



Returns/sets the value for the path where the ‘EhlApi32.dll’ is located.  When not present in the default folder, this systempath sould be set before any other functions are called.
The default value is "C:\Program Files (x86)\WallData\SYSTEM". 



Opens a Rumba session. The parameter is the session file (*.WDM) that needs to be start



Closes a Rumba session. The parameter is the session file (*.WDM) that needs to be closed. If empty, the previous started Rumba session is closed.



Returns/Set the value to determine if a WaitWhile function should abort the script if false is returned.

Default value is false.



WDOpen(Optional ShortName As String = "*") As Boolean

WDSetText(pos As Integer, value As String) As Boolean

WDSetText(Line As Integer, column As Integer, value As String) _

                     As Boolean

WDGetText(pos As Integer, length As Integer) As String

WDGetText(Line As Integer, column As Integer, length As Integer) _

                      As String

WDGetText() As String

This function will only return the first 25 lines.

WDGetPos(Line As Integer, column As Integer) As Integer

WDGetColumn(pos As Integer) As Integer

WDGetRow(pos As Integer) As Integer

WDSearch(input As String) As Integer

WDRunMacro(MacroFile As String) As Boolean

WDSendKey(keyData As String) As Boolean

WDSetCursor(pos As Integer) As Boolean

WDSetCursor(Line As Integer, column As Integer) As Boolean

WDGetCursor() As Integer

WDGetStatus() As Integer

0: OIA data were copied; PS is unlocked.

1: The application is not connected to a valid PS.

2: Data string length specified was not valid.

4: OIA data were copied, but the PS is busy.

5: OIA data were copied, but the keyboard is locked.

9: A system error occurred.

10: Copy OIA is not supported on UNIX/VAX hosts.

WDGetStatus(OIAPos As Integer, Recheck As Boolean) As Byte

WDGetStatus(OIAPos As Integer, Bitnr As Integer, _

                          Recheck As Boolean = False) As Boolean

WDGetOIAHex(Recheck As Boolean) As String

WDGetOIAImage(Recheck As Boolean) As String

WDShowSession(options As Integer) As Boolean

WDClose() As Boolean

WDWaitWhileCursor(pos As Integer, 

                                      Optional WaitCycles As Integer = 20) As Boolean

WDWaitWhile(pos As Integer) As Boolean

WDWaitWhile(pos As Integer, value As String, _

                              Optional WaitCycles As Integer = 20) As Boolean

WDWait(Optional WaitMS As Integer = 2000) As Boolean

WDOpenRumba(SessionFile As String) As Boolean

WDCloseRumba(Optional SessionFile As String = "") As Boolean

WDLock() As Integer

WDUnLock() As Integer

To check the status, the OIAPos and BitNr is explained later. Note that Linenumber and column are based on a 80 char textwidth.

WDGetStatus() will copy the statusregisters from Rumba. The returned integer can be used to check if Rumba is busy.

When Rumba is loced, a reset can be performed by Sendkeys(“@R”).

However, the WDWait function will also perform a reset when Rumba is locked.

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